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North China regional electricity energy conservation inspection in full swing

In the National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Supervision, Ministry of Environmental Protection, the State Electricity Regulatory Commission, National Energy Board, "on the immediate organization of the national electricity price inspection notice" (Development and Reform price review 2010] 1023 ) issued after the Council attaches great importance to the North China power monitoring, immediate action to fully implement the spirit of informed, active coordination of regional prices and other departments within the provincial co-forwarding documents, carefully organize the deployment of joint inspection. At present, the reference point of inspection were all into the start-site inspections of work in full swing.
To ensure orderly conduct inspections, obtain results, the price of electricity in North China region will be divided into four major inspection phases: first phase: 2010 June 1 to June 10 for the self-examination phase, power generation companies and Power Grid Company in accordance with the check the contents of self-examination, on June 10 reported self-examination before the report. Phase II: June 10 to October 31 for the key check phase, the price, power monitoring, environmental protection and the composition of the Joint Inspection Unit of the power plants and power grid enterprises to develop inspection. Phase III: November 1 to November 30 for the rectification processing stage, to urge the power plants and power grid enterprises to check out the rectification of issues and identified according to relevant state policies on the price of illegal processing. Phase IV: December 1 to December 15 for the summary stage, a comprehensive summary of the inspection, the inspection encounter new situations and new problems in-depth analysis, proposed in this paper and submit a summary to the higher departments report.

North China Electric monitoring will concentrate time and efforts, together with regional prices, and environmental protection departments throughout the introduction and implementation of the preferential tariff ultra vires issue, and all energy-intensive enterprises in the implementation of a comprehensive investigation and electricity for all thermal power enterprises desulfurization price, electricity price implementation and careful examinations. Ensure, through inspection, the implementation of the State Council "to further intensify its efforts on ensuring the achievement of" five "emission reduction targets of the notice" (Guo Fa [2010] 12) spirit, strictly implement different pricing policies of energy-consuming enterprises and firmly to correct the implementation of the local ultra vires and of preferential rates, and severely punish non-implementation of the national electricity company electricity price, the desulfurization behavior of price policies, strong economic restructuring and transformation of the mode of economic development.
Copy right: Beijing prisma Electric Technology co.Ltd
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